I have studied and researched so many different aspects of optimum health, how the body repairs itself and how to live a healthier life. Suffice to say that over the past 8 years or so there is a lot of subject matter to cover. As part of my healthier life coaching philosophies, I have created a domain map and put like type subject together.

What does this mean? Healthy habits that fit and work together to optimise that area of your healthier life journey.

To make it simple and easy to understand I created four domains of my Healthier Life Plan. The domains each have separate topics, each topic covers specific actions or understandings. I like to ask my clients what area of their life creates them the most amount of stress, unrest or what would they like to change to create more value in their life.

Most people immediately jump to saying exercise. But when we dive more deeply it’s actually sleep. Sleep is covered in two areas, because getting better sleep (not more sleep) will improve both these areas and if you don’t have the right environment your sleep will be impacted. Then I ask for their next area of life to improve. Most immediately say …. Exercise! Again, diving into it the next stress usually ends up being about finances.

Getting finances under control is a domain that can take time and planning and can always been done in conjunction with one or all of the other domains.

There are super simple and immediate steps to take to move toward a healthier life. Let me put together an example.

  1. Improve sleep. Cool bedroom as dark as possible. Develop a bedtime routine at the same time every night. No screen light (phone, computer, TV) at least 60 minutes before sleep and a journal to write something to be grateful for. All of that is super easy to do.
  2. Remove toxic chemicals from your home. Bleach (it is the worst) stop using fabric softener and change toothpaste to a non-fluoride one (they are usually cheaper too). As each toxic expressive chemical runs out replace with a nontoxic version
  3. Positive self-talk is a superpower. Start telling yourself that you are great, I don’t mean in an arrogant way, but really believing that you are great and worthy of having a healthier happier life. It takes a minute a day. You can do this at the end of the day in your journal, or first thing after you finish brushing your teeth each morning. This one little, small thing is quite impactful on your positivity and attitude
  4. Cut back on sugar. Start small and cut back a little each week. Try and cut sugar out first thing in the morning, put off having any sugar for at least the first 1-2 hours after waking. And definitely avoid sugar 3 hours before bed.

Starting, or even knowing where to start can be so overwhelming. And I have found that many people will start with eh wrong thing – they might immediately jump straight to exercise, but if they are not fuelling their body properly, they can feel more tired and stressed. People stop exercising then they feel like a failure and the negative talk starts. And the cycle begins again. That’s why getting a coach is often a good decision. They can take the load off of you.

Small, but significant changes. Just a few at a time until they become habit, then a couple simple changes and over time the Compound Effect happens (read my article about that)

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