As a young adult I was an athlete and played competitive sports at a high level. Like many people later in life the day to day became the ‘competitive sport’ and I realised in my late 40’s that I had lost my health, fitness, I was constantly stressed, and my financial situation was dire.

In my early 50’s I made a very conscious decision to change my life and started with just including an exercise regime into my week. Seven years, three competitions, several courses, dozens of clients, massive changes and hundreds of hours of study and research later – I am where I am today.

The start of the journey was hard, and I had to overcome and take charge of my life and where I wanted it to go, because no one was going to do it for me. What I have learned along the way I want to share and give back to others so that I can help them along their journey to living a healthier life.

Starting is the hard part and I wish that I had a coach to help me during my journey. So, let me coach you to get healthier in all aspects of life and live the life you want to have. Health is the real wealth!

Karen Anne Stuart


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